Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Collab art with a friend of mine 0v0)👌

Google drawings was used to create it :)

A few days ago, we did an art collab with a classmate of our choice. But there was 1 catch: we couldn't talk to each other face to face, and we could only communicate through comments. One of us had to be in 1 room, and the other was in another room; then the teachers showed 2 different pictures(1 in each room) and the pairs had to describe the image they saw to the other. After that, we had to add some details from each image/art piece and create a new one. My partner was Dayvd.

We worked great together. We both did the top of the mountain that the birds are on, the bodies of water shown, and the kiwi. But I did the Tui and half of the grass(both located on the right). While Dayvd did the Kea and the other half of the grass(which are located on the left).But if I was to take this 1 step further, it would be to add some contrast and some shading and lighting.

But besides that, I think me and Dayvd did a good job.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

My best timetable that I've set up in class :)

WALT: Create a timetable where we record info about what we learned while completing each task. The reason why I picked this timetable of mine is because I believe that I did great when it came to making it. And the task slides are green, that means I completed them all :) My next goal is to create a timetable with even more info about what I learned while doing the task.